Prayer in Luke's Gospel

Text: Luke 22:39-46
by Bob Young

Prayer is so much a part of Christian life, so difficult, so profound that is source of many humorous comments and stories. [Examples]

The Rhythms of Jesus' Prayer Life in Luke
Our study is in Luke. Prayer is for many the epitome of personal Christian experience. Christians pray. Others may pray, but prayer is especially Christian in many minds. Jesus prayed. He set the example. He prayed before important occasions. At Jesus' baptism, only Luke notes that Jesus was praying. Consider these examples from Jesus' life.

Lessons About Prayer
Luke tells us about Jesus' teachings about prayer (11:5; 18:1ff; 18:9ff). Jesus prayed, we ought to pray. Prayer is part of our daily walk. Let us encourage a daily prayer time. We pray, but sometimes nothing happens. We pray, and sometimes the opposite of what we prayed for happens. What shall we think when prayer doesn't work, at least not the way we wanted? What shall we conclude? Let us look more closely at prayer.

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Last updated August 31, 2011