Worship Syllabus

Note: This course was first taught at Baxter Institute, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, in May 2001. All materials, class discussions, homework, and examinations were done in Spanish.The class met five hours per day for five days in an intensive format. This is the approximate equivalent of a two hour class in the semester system.
Programa de Licentiatura
Instituto de Baxter, Tegucigalpa, Honduras
21-25 mayo, 2001
Profesor: Dr. Bob Young

Christian Worship
The Worship of the Church

Course Description
An examination of worship focused on definitions, historical studies, doctrinal and theological considerations, and applications which identify and strengthen contemporary worship responses. In more detail, the course (1) begins with general definitions by emphasizing worship concepts, words, and motifs in biblical literature, both the Old Testament and New Testament; (2) traces the historical development of worship through the Old Testament, Judaism, the New Testament, and church history; (3) considers specific New Testament teachings to guide understandings and practices in public worship today, and (4) considers appropriate worship responses today, both individually and for the church when it assembles.

Goals and Objectives--Methodologies and Assessments

Course Outline


I. Introduction

II. Definitions

Homework: Student will complete sermon outline and content by Friday. Tonight, the student should begin process.

English Resources:
A Sermon Development Model
Worship--Matt. 15:7-9
Reflections on Worship
Worship Essays #1 (reprinted from "Christian Chronicle," August-October, 2000)
Worship Essays #2 (reprinted from "Christian Chronicle," August-October, 2000)
Worship Essays #3 (reprinted from "Christian Chronicle," August-October, 2000)
Sermon on Worship--Psalm 95
Sermon on Worship--Matthew 4
Sermon on Worship--John 4
Sermon on Worship--Hebrews 10

Spanish Resources:
Un Modelo Para la Preparacion del Sermoneo
Adoración--Mateo 15:7-9
Reflexiones De la Adoración: la Asamblea
Ensayos De la Adoración #1 (reprinted from "Christian Chronicle," August-October, 2000)
Ensayos De la Adoración #2 (reprinted from "Christian Chronicle," August-October, 2000)
Ensayos De la Adoración #3 (reprinted from "Christian Chronicle," August-October, 2000)
Un sermón: adoracion--Salmo 95
Un sermón: adoracion--Mateo 4
Un sermón: adoracion--Juan 4
Un sermón: adoracion--Hebreos 10

III. History

Homework: Student will complete sermon outline and content by Friday. Tonight, the student should continue the process. See resources lists above.

IV. Public Christian Worship Today

Homework: Student will complete sermon outline and content by Friday. Tonight, the student should continue the process. See resouces lists above.

V. Individual Worship Responses
Experiencing Two Different Kinds of Worship VI. Practical Applications
[Resource: Excerpt from Lynn Anderson, Navigating the Winds of Change]

Homework: Student will complete sermon outline and content by Friday. Tonight, the student should conclude the process. See resources lists above.

VII. Conclusion

In-class Presentations of Sermon Outlines
Final Examination

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